Contesting Place in a Post-colonial Space

(Re)colonizing Tradition

A Pedestrian Guide to a "Traditional" City

Welcome to Bhaktapur

[1] The Tea Stall at Guhepukhu

[2] Nava Durga Chitra Mandir

[3] Khauma Square

[4] Tourist Motor Park

[5] Indrani Pitha

[6]Lasku Dhwakha Gate

[7]Char Dham

[8]Cafe de Temple

[9]Batsala Temple

[10] Batsala Temple

[11] City Hall

[12] The Procession Route

[13] Pujari Math

[14] The Peacock Restaurant

[15] Sewage Collection Ponds

[16] Bhairavanath Temple

[6] Lasku Dhwakha:
Economics of Access

Tourists are Americans, from their visits we are becoming developed.
‹Duru Kaji Suwal, personal interview, 8 July 1999

Retrace your steps. Walk back up the stairs through the Indrani gate [K]. When you reach Khauma Square turn to your left (east). You are now standing in front of a white gate [I] that was built by King Bhupatindra Malla and is located just West of Bhaktapur¹s Lasku Dhwakha [6]. Next to the gate is a sign that reads (in English):

Dear Guests,

You are cordially requested to help us renovate our common heritage and make the following contribution: (1) Rs. 300 [Rupees three hundred] per tourist and (2) Rs. 30 [Rupees Thirty] for Tourists from SARC countries [India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and the Maldives] per tourist. We thank you for your pleasant stay in this "living heritage." Bhaktapur Municipality

     If you are a "tourist," you will need to purchase a ticket to continue. Starting in 1993, the municipality has requested foreigners to pay an entrance fee to the city. The fee began as NRs 50 (US $1.00), and in July of 1996 was raised to NRs 300 (US $5.00). There is talk that it will soon be raised to US $10.00. While the entrance fee has kept some "hippie" travelers from visiting Bhaktapur, the influx of "money" tourists has only increased.


Mandala Map

Tourist Map


Tour Map

Durbar Square

Tacapa Map



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© 2001 Gregory Price Grieve , Site design by GDL Historical Laboratories. .